Waste & Recycling Processing Equipment
S. Howes offers a wide variety of waste and recycling equipment designed to process municipal and industrial waste solids. Our equipment can break-up and process filter cakes and dry sludge. Recycling steps such as rewetting, reagent addition and size reduction are all within our capabilities. Our sales engineers work with you and your team to understand your processing requirements and guide you through validation of the equipment selection process.
Featured Resources
Case Study: Rubber Mixing & Feeding System

Case Study: A processor of recycled rubber contacted S. Howes to see if it could build a system to automate and improve the quality of its ground rubber.
Screeners, Sifters & Separating Equipment

S. Howes builds robust screening equipment for processing powders and bulk solids materials. Includes Centrifugal Sifters, Screeners, Shakers, Air Finishers, Grain Cleaners, and Options and Accessories.
S. Howes Industrial Size Reduction Equipment

S. Howes offers several types of process equipment for material sizing, including granulators, lump breakers, knife cutters, and power graters.

Waste & Recycling Processing Equipment
S. Howes offers a wide variety of waste and recycling equipment designed to process municipal and
industrial waste solids. Our equipment can break-up and process filter cakes and dry sludge. Recycling
steps such as rewetting, reagent addition and size reduction are all within our capabilities.
Not Sure What You Need?
We’re here to help you! Tell us what you need to be done and we’ll contact you to recommend the right equipment.