Thermal Processing Systems

Heat or cool product while mixing and conveying.

With S. Howes, thermal processing equipment can be designed as a system with additional machines that are required to complete your process line. Combine thermal mixers and/or thermal conveyors with screening or size reduction equipment and more. And since we are a part of CPEG, bulk solids process equipment such as dryers, coolers, heat exchangers, dust collectors and wet scrubbers can be provided to complete out your process line.

We can integrate a variety of equipment into a complete system. Trust our experts with your next process line design and build.

Test your product in a multistep process line at the CPEG Innovation Center and Test Lab.

Test Lab & Innovation Center

Your Material Product. Our Thermal Processing Systems.

Make sure your new process equipment delivers your desired final material requirements.

Lab Testing

Leverage the CPEG Innovation Center and expertise in process engineering to test material product prior to the design or purchase of bulk solids and material handling equipment.

Testing With Rental Units

When material testing in the Innovation Center is not feasible, S. Howes provides rental equipment that can be shipped directly to your site for reliable testing of powder and bulk solids materials.